Wyobrażony Dom - The Imagined Home Installation at Seymour Art Gallery for Discovery Exhibition, 2021, installation of monotype prints made with acrylic matrixes, textile embossings, collagraph, and chine-collé, washi paper glued to wall, and found door covered in washi paper cut-outs, dimensions variable

Photo Credit: Seymour Art Gallery

Wyobrażony Dom - The Imagined Home Installation at Emily Carr University of Art + Design for Expanse : Embrace - MFA Thesis Show 2020, installation of monotype prints made with acrylic matrixes, textile embossings, collagraph, and chine-collé, washi paper glued to wall, and found door covered in washi paper cut-outs, dimensions variable

 Drugi Jezyk – Second Tongue at Emily Carr University of Art + Design for Kairos - MFA Interim Thesis Show, 2019, installation of washi paper glued to wall and monotype prints and washi paper collaged on wood panels


Works on Paper

